Thursday, November 8, 2012

More Beauty Loot

Hi Gorgeous!

Another Beauty Loot!


- 2 Eanvie BB Creams
- 2 Hiruscar Tubes
- Elf Face Primer
- Elf Eyebrow Kit
- Elf Cream Eyeliner
and 3 potchies!

* All products were bought by my own money *

ELF Products were bought from MUJS NotSoJunkieShop . 

- Elf Face Primer =       P330
- Elf Eyebrow Kit =      P200
- Elf Cream Eyeliner =  P200
and 3 potchies for freebies! ^.^

I got Hiruscar and Eanvie BB Creams for a discounted price from Ensogo Livingsocial.

- 2 Hiruscar 5g Tubes = P319 (valued at 638)
- Eanvie BB creams    = P289 each (valued at 690)

I will try to do separate reviews for each product :) Hope you like my new beauty loot!

Have you tried any of the products mentioned above? Do leave a comment below ;)


  1. nice loots!! I'm loving the elf stuff~ I've tried the hiruscar before but too bad it doesn't work on me. It didn't do any improvement on the scars I have on my arms even after finishing the entire tube...T__T

    1. Thanks dear!!! awww I see..but I'll still try to do a review on Hiruscar but maybe soon pa.. yeah I so heart ELF products too!!! ^.^

  2. weeh! I love loots.. Makes me happy the entire week pag me loot ako :)

  3. I love ELF cream eyeliner and eyebrow kit!:) I'm sure you'll love it too!:) (Hopefully)hihi.. Love your beauty loot!!:)


    1. Thanks dear! haven't try both but will do tomorrow and will do a review about it ;) thanks!!! ^.^

  4. I love the Matte Cool Bronzer, Essential: blush, lipstick and pencil eyeliner. I've been wanting to try the primer, foundation and other powder products as well.

    1. Hi dear! try the face primer it's great for everyday use ;) nice to know that you love ELF products :) thanks for the comment! ^.^


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